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Writer's pictureMichaela

Caramel Apple S'more

If you know me well, you'll know that a good caramel apple is my single favorite food. My favorite combination is caramel with milk and dark chocolate. I thought why not add some marshmallow fluff and a graham cracker base to mix two of the best desserts. The first step to making this dessert is to make the graham cracker crust because it needs to to chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours before using. After all the ingredients are mixed, you'll have a moist and grainy dough. When you place it into a ramekin, make sure to press it down really well so it can hold it's shape. I used the bottom of a flat measuring cup to help get an even crust. Once the dough is finished and cooled, take it and cookie cut out a circle that's slightly smaller than the base of the apple.

I always like to use the classic granny smith apple for this because the sour balances out all the sweet flavors. The apple will need to be cored and the top and bottom should be cut off. Now we need to carve out the base of the apple to put in the graham cracker crust. To do this, take the same cookie cutter used to cut the graham cracker crust and cut out a circle in the bottom of the apple the depth of the graham cracker crust. Remove this area from the apple and replace it with the cut graham cracker circle.

Now you can flip the apple over and fill it with marshmallow cream! I made some beforehand and placed it into a ziplock bag to pipe it into the apple's core, then a spiral on top of the apple. If you have a torch, fire the marshmallow fluff to get it golden brown all the way around. Be careful not to point the flame at the apple or else it'll discolor.

Now for the toppings! I took some homemade caramel sauce (you can always buy some) to drizzle all over the top of the apple. Lastly take a Ghirardelli dark chocolate square filled with caramel and place it on the top. When serving, you can take the left over graham cracker crust and crumble it around the base of the apple.



Makes: 4 apples. Time: 30 minutes + chilling


Graham cracker crust

  • 3 tbsp butter, melted

  • 1/6 cup brown sugar

  • 5 whole graham crackers.

Marshmallow cream (can substitute 2 cups store bought marshmallow cream):

  • 1/3 cup water

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 3/4 cup corn syrup or honey

  • 3 large egg whites room temperature

  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • 4 apples (granny smith recommended)

  • caramel sauce

  • 4 Ghirardelli dark chocolate caramel squares


Graham cracker crust:

  1. To make the graham cracker crust, crush up the graham crackers by placing them in a large ziplock bag and using a rolling pin to create a sand like powder. Mix this with the melted butter and brown sugar until the dough is combined.

  2. Take 4 mini ramekins or 1 large ramekin and distribute all of graham cracker dough throughout the ramekin(s). Refrigerate for 1-2 hours to allow the butter to solidify and bind the base together. Take a cookie cutter that's slightly smaller than the base of your apples and cut out 4 circles of crust. Set aside.

Marshmallow Cream:

  1. Mix the water, sugar, and corn syrup (or honey) in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Don't mix the mixture from here on out or else crystals can form. 

  2. Ensure mixer bowl is completely grease free before adding the egg whites and cream of tartar.

  3. When the sugar syrup reaches 225°F, start whipping the egg whites to soft peaks. About 3-4mins.

  4. When the whites are ready, the sugar syrup should be at 240°F. Remove from the heat, turn mixer to medium and slowly and carefully pour the sugar syrup into the whites in a thin, steady stream.

  5. Once all of the syrup is in, set mixer to medium/high and continue whipping for 7-8 minutes, or until the mixture is thick and glossy. Add in vanilla and whip until the fluff has cooled.


  1. Carve the apples by slicing off the top and bottom then carve out the core. Now take the same cookie cutter used to cut the graham cracker crust and cut out a circle in the bottom of the apple the depth of the crust. Remove this area from the apple and replace it with the cut graham cracker circle.

  2. Flip the apple over and pipe marshmallow cream into the center of the apple. Then pipe a swirl on the top of the apple. The marshmallow will settle and spread a little bit as you finish so don't make the swirl too large.

  3. Take a torch and fire the marshmallow to get a nice golden brown color all over the marshmallow.

  4. Take a spoon and dip it into the caramel sauce and pour over the marshmallow cream. Top with a Ghirardelli chocolate and enjoy!

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